
Letter from a Jihadi in Iraq

On May 10, Ekhlaas member Muhibb al-Amir al-Baghdidi (Fan of Commander Baghdadi) posted a letter he received from a certain Abu Hurayra. Muhibb claims that Abu Hurayra is “one of the soldiers of the Islamic State of Iraq.” Here’s the letter:

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

My dear brother, precious to my heart.

We ask God to reward you well on our behalf.

My dear brother, I have approached the zero hour, as they say, for the decisive battle, as they call it. God willing, it will prove decisive for the Muslims through the aid of God and His assistance.

My dear brother, I have resolved to participate in this battle, but I am participating as a journalist or photographer.

But my inner being is a fighter in the path of God against the infidels and the apostates.

My brother, I swear I have a strong feeling that God will grant me martyrdom.

On account of this, I want to say goodbye today in the hope of meeting in the abode of eternity in Paradise.

My dear brother, I hope you will forgive me if I have harmed you in any way.

Pray that I am granted steadfastness, victory, and martyrdom.

Your brother in God,

(Abu Hurayra)

Muhibb ends his quotation of the letter by praying for victory in Mosul, so presumably that’s where Abu Hurayra plans to die.  As for being a photographer or journalist, I think Abu Hurayra means his primary task is media operations (e.g. shooting snuff films).

Document (Arabic): 5-10-08-ekhlaas-letter-from-iraqi-jihadi

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