
Insider Analysis of Nuke Tape

Akram Hijazi, a Jordanian professor who’s a big favorite on the Jihadi forums, blogged about the nuke tape that was posted on May 25 on the Ekhlass forum with the title: “The Prayer, The Prayer (Answered)–Allah Akbar America Has Been Destroyed–By a Fatal Jihadi Nuclear Strike.” The video, which Evan Kohlmann dismissed as poorly-made amateur propaganda, was posted by Ekhlaas member p2l0a0g8u9e and contains a description of Islam’s position on the use of various kinds of WMD.

Hijazi notes that thousands of people viewed the post and hundreds commented on it, asking for the source. He also points out that this is p2l0a0g8u9e’s only posting, which means he wants to conceal his identity from the other forum participants. Some of the Ekhlaas commentators figured out that the name of the poster, p2l0a0g8u9e, is a rudimentary code for plague2008-9. Hijazi observes that this date corresponds to September 2008, also the time of this year’s Ramadan. Since the poster’s name is “plague” and his video talks about plagues that can kill cells, Hijazi concludes that he must be alluding to a microbiological attack.

Like Kohlmann, Hijazi notes that the video did not come via any official AQ channel (e.g. Sahab, Fajr, Furqan), but he does think it is well made. At the very least, he remarks, it has revived the discussion forums, which are now humming with talk of an impending strike. I’ve already posted some of these hummings and I’ll post more tomorrow.

Document (Arabic): 5-28-08-akram-hijazi-aq-and-wmd (الجهاد النووي: قمة الإرهاب)

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