
Fizzled Fitna

Yesterday, Ekhlaas member `Abd Allah `Abid posted two questions to the board: First he asked, “O brothers, is there a reason for al-Qaeda’s delay in Palestine or has it lost control of itself?  And if it succeeds in entering, will it succeed in beginning a battle with the Zionist entity [Israel]?”

In his second post, `Abid innocently wonders why `Amr Khalid, a relatively liberal Sunni televangelist, was being defamed on television and online.  When he gets tepid answers, another poster, al-Mulahiz, pipes up: “I send this member to get your advice and you don’t answer him!”

Everything about this smells like a ploy designed to get the Ekhlaas members arguing with each other over sensitive issues or to expose them to more moderate forms of Islam.  If so, those behind it need to find a better tack–this stuff reeks of inauthenticity.

Document (Arabic): 7-6-08-ekhlaas-is-aq-going-to-succeed-in-palestine

Document (Arabic): 7-6-08-ekhlaas-question-about-amr-khalid

Jihadi Book Club: Omar Nasiri’s Inside the Jihad

Ekhlaas member Rahib Irhab (“Terrible Terrorism”) posted some excerpts from Omar Nasiri’s book, Inside the Jihad.  (The excerpts are originally from al-Hayat, who got them from the Arabic version of the book.)  Nasiri (a pseudonym) is a Moroccan-born spy who penetrated al-Qaida’s organization in the ’90s at the behest of the French.  Rahib Irhab suggests that forum members should read the book in order to understand how militant groups are penetrated, presumably to prevent the same techniques from being used again.

Document: excerpts-from-omar-nasiri-inside-the-jihad

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