The attention of Western analysts today was focused on Abu Yahya al-Libi’s statement on Somalia. I read it and there’s not a lot there. Basically, Libi says keep fighting, no matter who is in power, until an Islamic state is established.
More interesting is Kavkaz Center’s newly-released interview with Dokka Umarov, the amir of the North Caucasus Emirate that he declared at the end of 2007. Here’s what stands out:
- The decision to declare an emirate was not taken lightly and occurred after much debate.
- Umarov acknowledges that he has taken a lot of heat from fellow travelers for aligning himself ideologically with al-Qaeda and declaring war on the world.
- The mujahids do control some territory, but their control is not absolute. Therefore, he does not want his supporters rushing to form a state.
The two translations, Arabic and English, diverge over what sort of state Umarov is talking about. In Arabic, he says he doesn’t want his supporters rushing to form an “actual state” (dawla fi`liyya). In English, he says he doesn’t want them rushing to form a “virtual state.” The difference is significant and if anyone can download the video and make out the right translation, I’d appreciate it. (The links to the video are in the Arabic translation below.)
Document (Arabic): 6-22-08-ekhlaas-umarov-interview-arabic
Document (English): 622-08-ekhlaas-umarov-interview-english